Summer’s End Festival
Car Show

The 40th Annual Summer’s End Festival Car Show Saturday, August 26, 2023 at the Rossville Town Park. The event is hosted by the Lafayette Kroozers.
- Registration from 8:00 am to 11:00 am
- $15 Registration Fee
- Parking is on a First Come First Serve basis. If you want to park with your friends, you must arrive together! We will not save spots. No exceptions!
- You can pre-register or register the day of show. Pre-registrations received by August 12, 2023 will receive a free event T-shirt!
- Click here for registration and map.
- All cars need to enter via Ramey Street.
Plan to spend the Day!
- Dash Plaques
- Top 75 Cars
- Top 3 Motorcycles
- Top 3 4×4 Trucks
- Food
- Fireworks at the Park
- Trophies
- Food & Craft Vendors
- Door Prize Trivia
- DJ
Judging from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm with awards at approximately 3:00 pm Saturday.
Please do not plan on arriving before 7:00 am!!
Event Staff judging awards for:
- Best of Show
- Best Paint
- Best Interior
- Best 4×4
- Longest Distance
- Cop’s Choice
- Best Rat Rod
Contact Information: Roger Gregory (765)491-9068 or John Lucas (765)418-9493