Summer’s End Festival
Booth Reservations

Rossville Summer’s End Vendors & Prospective Exhibitors:
Plans for the 2024 Summer’s End Festival is currently being organized. The festival is held at the Rossville Town Park on East Street. To reserve your same booth space, you must have your form in no later than June 15, 2024 with payment due at the time of reservation. Booth space assignments will be issued on a first come-first serve basis after June 16, 2024. Your registration form must be returned no later than July 1, 2024 to avoid a late fee.
A late fee of $20.00 will be incurred after July 1, 2024. Please be advised there is a pricing change for vendors requiring electrical service. Note: Fireworks, poppers, spray string/streamers, stink bombs, cap gun pops, firearms, knives, and other offensive novelty items WILL NOT BE PERMITTED! We appreciate your cooperation.
Again, we hope this year’s Rossville Summer’s End Festival will be a huge success! For additional information, please feel free to contact Jessica Heater at (765)490-4360 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
If you prefer to use email–our addresses is:
Make checks payable to RBA
Please mail booth and/or food vendor form and check payable to:
% Jessica Heater
6716 W CR 800 N
Rossville, IN 46065
ATTN: Booth Reservation
If you wish to pay via PayPal, please remit to:
Confirmation letter will be sent out August 1, 2024