Rossville Area Lions Club

Our LIONS club motto is “We Serve”. This is the best way to express the true mission of our Lions Club and Lionism. We serve the people in the Rossville School District community by providing eye care to those that cannot afford it, providing scholarships for graduating seniors, providing vision screenings for pre-school children, sponsoring blood drives, doing highway cleanup, and provide financial support for people and organizations in need.

In addition to the local projects our Lions Club supports the state, nation, and international projects. Those include Cancer Control at the IUPUI Medical Center, the Leader Dog Program, Indiana School for the Blind, Eye, and Tissue Bank, and Speech and Hearing.

The club meets the 1st Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. and the 3rd Tuesday of each month @ 6:30 p.m. at the Rossville Presbyterian Church.

If you are wanting to schedule an ice cream event, please contact Kathy Michael at (765) 379-3858, cell (765) 652-5525, or

  • Kathy Michael
  • (765) 652-5525
  • 2150 W County Rd 500 N, Frankfort, IN, 46041, United States

Lions International

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